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SHFE Metals Close Price For Feb 23,2011

Wednesday, Feb 23, 2011
Product Delivery
Open High Low Close


Change1 Change2 Volume Open Interest
/ Change

aluminum             1103 16955 16810 16835 16750 16755 16795 -200 -160 4682 29756 -764
1104 17085 16860 16945 16850 16860 16900 -225 -185 9530 57700 -3954
1105 17280 17040 17100 16985 17010 17050 -270 -230 40966 102246 -2360
1106 17360 17175 17190 17080 17115 17135 -245 -225 10042 40236 2176
1107 17340 17100 17225 17100 17150 17155 -190 -185 6930 29656 2002
1108 17365 17210 17250 17175 17200 17195 -165 -170 2846 18888 874
1109 17425 17100 17330 17100 17270 17265 -155 -160 896 6178 -12
1110 17445 17310 17395 17280 17330 17340 -115 -105 398 5240 108
1111 17460 17305 17415 17290 17340 17380 -120 -80 452 1582 -316
1112 17605 17410 17480 17410 17450 17445 -155 -160 90 154 4
1201 17740 17565 17565 17480 17520 17510 -220 -230 30 26 -2
1202 17940 17600 17700 17505 17700 17635 -240 -305 14 12 12
Total                 76876 291674 -2232

gold             1103 287.42 285.01 285.01 285.01 285.01 285.01 -2.41 -2.41 2 32 -2
1104 297.90 294.23 294.23 294.23 294.23 294.23 -3.67 -3.67 2 40 0
1105 298.70 296.01 297.98 296.01 297.96 297.44 -0.74 -1.26 22 120 0
1106 300.78 298.23 299.75 298.10 299.70 298.96 -1.08 -1.82 9420 51888 -1386
1107 301.03 299.60 299.73 299.60 299.73 299.66 -1.30 -1.37 4 50 -2
1108 301.53       300.16 300.16 -1.37 -1.37   4 0
1109 300.56       299.19 299.19 -1.37 -1.37   30 0
1110 300.34       298.97 298.97 -1.37 -1.37   40 0
1111 301.35       299.98 299.98 -1.37 -1.37   8 0
1112 302.38 300.94 301.99 300.02 301.92 300.93 -0.46 -1.45 232 1346 52
1201 303.50 300.35 301.90 299.66 300.00 300.41 -3.50 -3.09 12 14 4
1202 303.50       300.41 300.41 -3.09 -3.09     0
Total                 9694 53572 -1334

copper             1103 73260 71840 72090 71060 71190 71460 -2070 -1800 8170 26870 -1384
1104 73530 72100 72100 71300 71400 71610 -2130 -1920 14638 45340 -5186
1105 74000 72380 72580 71580 71700 72000 -2300 -2000 198250 182032 -5542
1106 74320 72610 72980 71920 71950 72350 -2370 -1970 16986 40400 2864
1107 74610 73150 73150 72200 72300 72620 -2310 -1990 1158 3958 354
1108 74640 73000 73310 72450 72460 72670 -2180 -1970 266 2030 56
1109 74660 73000 73100 72490 72520 72840 -2140 -1820 108 1084 32
1110 75260 73000 73080 72550 72550 72860 -2710 -2400 32 378 4
1111 75320 73100 73140 72320 72400 72780 -2920 -2540 30 424 0
1112 74890 72590 73000 72310 72310 72720 -2580 -2170 22 574 6
1201 75380 73260 73260 72200 72500 72560 -2880 -2820 54 694 14
1202 74500 72200 72850 72180 72200 72550 -2300 -1950 54 714 10
Total                 239768 304498 -8772

zinc             1103 19570 18895 19210 18875 18970 19000 -600 -570 2056 13534 -762
1104 19760 19030 19415 19025 19125 19175 -635 -585 12512 38806 -2662
1105 19945 19200 19620 19200 19330 19390 -615 -555 709812 322744 -14788
1106 20115 19360 19800 19345 19520 19565 -595 -550 31104 28582 2078
1107 20275 19500 19930 19500 19705 19715 -570 -560 714 3580 122
1108 20180 19750 20030 19700 19805 19785 -375 -395 666 3338 270
1109 20440 20095 20190 19790 19960 19935 -480 -505 628 2250 80
1110 20795 19600 20240 19600 20010 20010 -785 -785 180 1842 36
1111 20485 20485 20485 20115 20180 20185 -305 -300 168 202 76
1112 20690 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 -390 -390 2 54 0
1201 20785 20255 20255 20250 20250 20250 -535 -535 16 228 12
1202 20915       20495 20495 -420 -420   10 0
Total                 757858 415170 -15538

1) Unit of copper, aluminium and Total is Chinese yuan a metric ton; unit of gold is Chinese yuan a gram;
2) Ch.1 is day's close minus previous settlement, while
Ch.2 is day's settlement minus previous settlement;
3) Volume and open interest are in lots;
4) One lot is equivalent to 5 metric tons.