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SHFE Metals Close Price For July 04,2011

Monday, Jul 04, 2011



Open Interest
/ Change

Aluminum      1107 17300 17410 17475 17390 17455 17430 155 130 2070 47260 -1210
1108 17285 17300 17405 17295 17385 17370 100 85 7034 62092 -1018
1109 17285 17300 17395 17285 17375 17355 90 70 44618 100318 9480
1110 17215 17215 17340 17215 17330 17310 115 95 12736 44178 5832
1111 17185 17245 17285 17245 17270 17265 85 80 6690 26874 3290
1112 17135 17190 17285 17190 17280 17240 145 105 3598 15854 1234
1201 17160 17150 17280 17150 17280 17240 120 80 236 2090 82
1202 17245 17235 17285 17170 17270 17260 25 15 132 816 58
1203 17175 17205 17325 17205 17300 17280 125 105 80 500 34
1204 17175 17280 17365 17250 17320 17315 145 140 48 198 6
1205 17255 17390 17500 17345 17375 17405 120 150 48 186 24
1206 17205 17335 17500 17335 17460 17445 255 240 38 40 30
小计                 77328 300406 17842

Gold         1107 315.00       315.00 315.00 0.00 0.00   6 0
1108 312.49       312.49 312.49 0.00 0.00   26 0
1109 311.88 310.80 311.90 310.80 311.90 311.16 0.02 -0.72 6 18 -4
1110 314.96 310.08 310.08 310.08 310.08 310.08 -4.88 -4.88 2 30 -2
1111 311.50       306.67 306.67 -4.83 -4.83   58 0
1112 312.05 311.38 312.08 310.93 311.95 311.55 -0.10 -0.50 22718 44612 -1720
1201 311.94 311.60 312.33 311.15 312.15 311.70 0.21 -0.24 44 88 6
1202 312.44 312.25 312.25 311.54 311.54 311.62 -0.90 -0.82 16 96 12
1203 314.02       314.02 314.02 0.00 0.00   74 0
1204 314.55       313.73 313.73 -0.82 -0.82   14 0
1205 314.60 311.27 311.90 311.27 311.90 311.58 -2.70 -3.02 4 4 0
1206 312.57 312.10 312.69 311.58 312.69 312.25 0.12 -0.32 32 112 -4
小计                 22822 45138 -1712

Copper 1107 70080 70250 71100 70200 70800 70780 720 700 2890 16660 -1400
1108 69920 70290 71140 70150 70800 70730 880 810 15692 62210 -7946
1109 69780 70160 71060 70070 70770 70600 990 820 134400 163220 -3298
1110 69480 70000 70960 69950 70790 70550 1310 1070 11766 27748 3104
1111 69660 69900 70960 69900 70690 70410 1030 750 2172 9928 -66
1112 69520 69900 71700 69900 70650 70540 1130 1020 610 5236 -38
1201 69490 70150 71880 69950 70750 70520 1260 1030 306 2190 -12
1202 69510 70000 71660 70000 70810 70830 1300 1320 60 1220 -8
1203 69600 70850 71720 70300 70750 71150 1150 1550 42 552 -2
1204 69500 69710 71720 69690 71720 70670 2220 1170 46 528 -12
1205 69500 70200 70650 70200 70650 70430 1150 930 8 252 -6
1206 69550 70200 71170 69880 70470 70310 920 760 26 124 4
小计                 168018 289868 -9680

Zinc    1107 17555 17655 17895 17650 17810 17760 255 205 4390 12310 -1480
1108 17685 17715 18065 17715 17960 17910 275 225 31598 53516 -11606
1109 17785 17850 18200 17850 18100 18040 315 255 298406 218164 9982
1110 17875 17980 18290 17950 18200 18140 325 265 42392 65614 8012
1111 17935 18025 18350 18020 18270 18200 335 265 2306 11142 1130
1112 18010 18110 18360 18080 18330 18205 320 195 486 4804 162
1201 18055 18005 18450 18005 18385 18335 330 280 710 2654 320
1202 18150 18360 18500 18350 18485 18420 335 270 48 596 14
1203 18165 18435 18540 18400 18540 18480 375 315 46 208 2
1204 18200 18330 18585 18330 18540 18475 340 275 50 162 0
1205 18285 18395 18505 18395 18505 18475 220 190 8 58 8
1206 18240       18240 18240 0 0   4 0
小计                 380440 369232 6544

1) Unit of copper, aluminium and Total is Chinese yuan a metric ton; unit of gold is Chinese yuan a gram;
2) Ch.1 is day's close minus previous settlement, while
Ch.2 is day's settlement minus previous settlement;
3) Volume and open interest are in lots;
4) One lot is equivalent to 5 metric tons.