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Primary Aluminium Production Of Canada For December 2010

Thursday, Jan 13, 2011
Figure in metric tons Production Average Daily Production Annual Rate of Production
2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009
January 256,878 261,974 8,286 8,451 3,024,531 3,084,528
February 232,247 236,329 8,295 8,440 3,027,506 3,080,717
March 256,118 260,708 8,262 8,410 3,015,583 3,069,626
Quarter Total 745,243 759,011 8,280 8,433 3,022,374 3,078,045
April 246,800 250,920 8,227 8,364 3,002,733 3,052,860
May 254,491 256,880 8,209 8,286 2,996,426 3,024,555
June 247,054 247,927 8,235 8,264 3,005,824 3,016,445
Quarter Total 748,345 755,727 8,224 8,305 3,001,604 3,031,325
July 243,253 253,668 7,847 8,183 2,864,108 2,986,736
August 243,231 253,969 7,846 8,193 2,863,849 2,990,280
September 237,755 246,232 7,925 8,208 2,892,686 2,995,823
Quarter Total 724,239 753,869 7,872 8,194 2,873,340 2,990,810
Octomber 250,193 256,317 8,071 8,268 2,945,821 3,017,926
November 243,393 248,403 8,113 8,280 2,961,282 3,022,237
December 251,797 256,997 8,122 8,290 2,964,707 3,025,932
Quarter Total 745,383 761,717 8,102 8,280 2,957,226 3,022,200
Total Year 2,963,210 3,030,324  8,118  8,302  2,963,210  3,030,324

Note: Participating companies include Alcoa Inc., Aluminerie Alouette Inc. and Rio Tinto Alcan.